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[amsat-bb:60847] AO-40 Update

***AO-40 UPDATE***

The K-Tx sessions have been discontinued due to increasing solar 
angle.   We will post more detailed plans for the upcoming bad solar 
alignment shortly.  The proposal currently under study is to move ALON 
forward ahead of the sun in several increments to approximately ALON = 
45.  When the sun approaches 45 degs at this position, we will "duck" ALAT 
to provide adequate power, slow spin to maximize mystery effect (ME) and 
let the ME drift us around to approximately ALON = 315 where we should 
re-acquire sensors and be able to return ALAT to 0.   We can then follow 
the sun back towards 0/0 over the following ~45 days.  This approach should 
minimize transponder "down" time to a few weeks,  when the ALAT is not 
optimal and we are drifting in ALON due to the mystery effect.   Timing of 
transponder and RUDAK windows, as before, will have to be shortened and 
moved to provide optimum squint.

N  QST AO-40  S2 Downlink     #=Wednesday only     2002-07-16
         MA      036   120#  128   160   200   240   036
         MB       |  *  |  *  |     |  *  |  *  |  *  |
         RUDAK    |     |     |  *  |     |     |     |
         V-Rx     |     |  *  |  *  |     |     |  *  |
         U-Rx     |  *  |     |     |  *  |  *  |     |
         Passband | UL  | VL  |     | UL2 |     |     |

M  QST AMSAT OSCAR-40                               2002 July 16
                        ALON/ALAT ~ 6/2
  Shortly we will further increase ALON to move ahead of the sun.
                *** See N-block for schedule.***
             *** Middle Beacon OFF during RUDAK ***
          The AO-40 team would like your telemetry files!
Please "zip" compress your daily telemetry files and e-mail to:

--W4SM for the AO-40 Command Team

  Stacey E. Mills, W4SM    WWW:    http://www.cstone.net/~w4sm/ham1.html
   Charlottesville, VA     PGP key: http://www.cstone.net/~w4sm/key

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