HISTORY NETchl ordered by command/subject Last Updated: 17 Oct 1999 ========================================== Lastest updated up to version 980919. by Kazu Sakamoto, JJ1WTK --- Below you will find the history of NETchl by Rob, PE1CHL. The history made bij Rob is ordered by time (version). This makes finding changes and additions made in commands and the NET software not very easy. The fastest way to find info about a subject is using the search facility from a suitable editor. This is why I decided to put everything together by subject, it makes finding info about changes in NETchl a lot easier. Not all the info mentioned in the history are in this history by subject. Not mentioned are bugfixes and subject like the framesammler and EMS in the PC-version. Both are taken out NETchl after much trouble with it. All the general information is gathered together. The specific info about a version (Atari, PC, Unix) are gathered at the end of the document. The first version was released after version 930430. This second release has been updated until version 950429. 73' Thomas PA3CEF@PI8DRE NB - All commands are partly given in CAPITAL letters for easy recognition in the text. You will know that all the commands in NETchl have to be given in lowercase letters. Contents ======== net> commands !! ARP general, proxy AT ATTACH general, com, encap, kiss, packet AX25 general, exclude, lq, lqdump, maxframe, mbox, persist, status start tnc2, t1 t2, txq, uigrab BROADCAST general, abort, blocktype, cleanup, complete, download, ihave, kick, post, request, server, start, status, stop, trace CLS DATE get, request, set, started, tzset DELETE DIR /o EXIT FKEY FTL0 general, cancel, directory, download, homedir, kick, post, server, status, trace, upload FTPSTAT HOSTNAME IP multicast general, mcastgroup, routing, tunnel LOG MEMSTAT c,g,r,s MKDIR NETROM bcdest, bcnodes, downlink, exclude, filter, info, interface, logmask, nodefilter, nodetimer, param 3, param 4, route, status tcpip, users PING RCMD RECORD general, silent RMDIR ROUTE general, merge, trace SCCSTAT general, b, c, f SESSION #, c tekst, trace SETENV SHELL SMTP expiry, hold, maxcli, maxsessions, mode forward, post, reject, release, timer TCP general, active, kick, tos, ubound TRACE general, seperator TTYLINK TYPE UNPROTO UPLOAD off, verbose VERSION WATCHDOG Servers DNS FTP general, ascii, binary, dir, get, put, mput, reget, tput NODEINFO RCMD SMTP TELNET debug, display, echo, eol, mode, send TNC2-emulation TIME Environment NETRCMD NETSESSIONS TZ of TIMEZONE Default parameters NETchl NET/ROM info NET/ROM commands (in net/rom) bye, info, mheard, nodes, ports, quit, routes, users BBS forwarding SCC / ESCC param, attach, buffers X-25 (Eicon-card) SSID scheme Hosts.net ICMP Onexit.net Other info PC version general VERSIONS G8BPQ general, active, ports, status SCREEN swap Atari version ATTACH asy GREP LOG proc MEMSTAT , dump SCREEN bios, direct, tos, font SHELL Server FTP - TPUT Unix/Xenix version UNIX general ATTACH asy AX25 start tnc2 Environment NETLOCK Linux version LINUX general ATTACH netdevice HOST.NET HOST closedb, comment, export, import lookup, reorg, update !! -- MSDOS version: Expert Mouseclock status printed in the "! !" command.[PE1CHL.950527] ARP general ----------- no longer sends a burst of requests when an ARP entry times out while an FTP or SMTP session is running. only a single ARP request is sent and up to 10 packets are buffered waiting for a reply. RARP request/reply added to tracing. ARP entries added to the table as a result of ARP packets received will now be marked with the interface of their origin. It is no longer assumed that an address received on some interface is also valid on another. Interfaces may be specified in arp add, drop and publish commands using the syntax ":". e.g. arp add pe1chl ax25:144 pe1chl-2 This was primarily done to solve the problems that occur when 4800 baud and 1200 baud modems are used in parallel on the same frequency. Now it is no longer necessary to enter fixed ARP entries for 4800 baud. The selected method of specification of the interface keeps the "arp" command compatible with earlier releases of the program. ARP info -------- New command "arp info " prints only ARP table entries for specified host.[PE1CHL.961231] ARP proxy --------- The command "arp proxy [ ...]" is to enable PROXY ARP on one or more interfaces. PROXY ARP means an ARP request for a destination is answered with the local hardware address, when a route to that destination is known and is not on the same interface as where the request came in. This feature is mostly useful on an ethernet segment where UNIX machines are present that can not route packets for the same network address to different destination machines. It should probably not be used on AX.25 interfaces (or only with great care)! ARP publish ----------- The "arp publish" command no longer requires a hardware address. When it is omitted, the address of the interface where an ARP REQUEST is received is replied. Example: arp publish sys2.pe1chl ax25 This will cause all ARP REQUESTs for "sys2.pe1chl" to be replied with the address of the interface where they arrive (this is the normal use of "arp publish").[PE1CHL.950819] AT -- Introduced "at" command to run NET command at certain time-of-day. Syntax is: at hh:mm command [params] example: at 18:00 stop ftp "at" command without params prints a list of scheduled commands. Only one command can be started at each time. Use "source" command to start a sequence of commands. (stored in a file) "at" command corrected, now it always uses the local time. Calculation of local time for "at" command changed. Now, it should no longer be so sensitive to the setting of the TZ variable. ATTACH general -------------- Async interface for kiss and slip devices is now under control of an external device driver, an interrupt driven int 14 handler (COMBIOS). This can be either MBBIOS or FOSSIL, well known with w0rli & wa7mbl sysops, and FOSSIL is from the world of fido / opus phone bbs systems. see documentation within "MBBIOS.ARC" and "X00Vxxxx.ARC" for more info about mbbios and fossil. Enhanced tracing of Ethernet packets. Can now also display IEEE 802.3 packets, and knows some names for non-IP Ethernet types. When a packet driver has class "Ethernet" or "IEEE 802.3", the extra keyword "anytype" at the end of the attach packet statement will allow all types of packet to be received. This can be useful when tracing the traffic on an ethernet. It is also possible to specify up to 4 ethernet types in HEX. Examples: attach packet 60 0 enet 8 1500 anytype attach packet 60 0 enet 8 1500 800 806 8137 Interface MTU in attach commands is set to 128 when a smaller value is specified (which would lead to a crash when IP frames had to be fragmented to very small parts) ATTACH com ---------- to attach a COM port use: attach com slip|ax25|nrs