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[amsat-bb:67619] AO-40 Update, 2003-04-30

The drifting is progressing well with good telemetry during this phase.  We 
are approaching ALON/ALAT = 0/20.

A new feature has been added to the A-blocks.  At the beginning of reach MA 
(every 4.5 minutes)  AO-40 now calculates its height above the earth's 
surface, and the longitude and latitude of the sub-satellite point.  This 
is displayed in the "Message of the Day" portion of the A-block.  Note that 
this is the longitude and latitude of the sub-satellite point, NOT ALON and 
ALAT.  The angles are rounded to a degree and the height is rounded to 10 
km.  This feature will be provided unless an important message needs to be 
displayed.  It may be of some value in reviewing old telemetry files or 
current internet telemetry to rapidly determine the satellite's location.

  Stacey E. Mills, W4SM    WWW:    http://www.cstone.net/~w4sm/ham1.html
   Charlottesville, VA     PGP key: http://www.cstone.net/~w4sm/key

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