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[amsat-bb:73019] AO-40 Update, 2003-11-18

We have almost reached ALON=45 deg. and we are beginning to raise ALAT to 
just above 20 degs.  This will take approximately a week to 10 days.  When 
we are confident that ALAT exceeds 20 degs, we will shut off the passbands 
(beacon on only) and begin drifting toward ALON ~315 degs.  The drift 
process (passbands off) will take approximately  4 weeks.  We can be a 
little more specific after we know the final spin rate.

M  QST AMSAT OSCAR-40                                2003 Nov 18

     ALON ~ 40, ALAT rising to 20 degs. When ALAT >= 20 degs
      [~7 days], passbands will be shut off for ~ 4 weeks.

           The AO-40 team would like your telemetry files!
Please "zip" compress your daily telemetry files and e-mail to:

--W4SM for the AO-40 Command Team

  Stacey E. Mills, W4SM    WWW:    http://www.keplerian.com
   Charlottesville, VA     PGP key: http://www.keplerian.com/key

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