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[amsat-bb:62203] AO-40 Schedule change, 2002-08-25

The middle beacon off/on timing has been moved as the eclipse start time 
and duration continues to change.  These eclipses will run through the 
middle of September.  The trend will be for later starts and stops as time 

Shortly after the end of these eclipses, we will raise ALAT and let the ME 
drift AO-40 back to ALON = 330+

I meant to post this last night before activation, but things got way too 
hectic.  Sorry for the delay in posting.

N  QST AMSAT AO-40  S2 Downlink   @=variable    2002-08-25
         MA      020   036   080   OFF@  216   240   020
         MB       |  *  |     |  *  |     |  *  |  *  |
         RUDAK    |     |     |     |  *  |     |     |
         V-Rx     |     |     |     |  *  |     |  *  |
         U-Rx     |  *  |  *  |  *  |     |  *  |     |
         Passband |     |     |  UL |     |  UL |     |

---W4SM for the AO-40 Command Team

  Stacey E. Mills, W4SM    WWW:    http://www.cstone.net/~w4sm/ham1.html
   Charlottesville, VA     PGP key: http://www.cstone.net/~w4sm/key

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